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Seatech respond to a vessel with a suspected fouled drive system

In an extraordinary operation that demonstrated the skill and determination of Seatech’s crew, one of our teams recently responded to a vessel with a suspected fouled drive system. However, upon initial inspection, the team discovered a much more complex issue—an HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) tyre that had become intensely entangled and wedged between the blade and nozzle, with a mere 10mm clearance for any intervention.

The challenge was immediately apparent as the team realised the tyre wasn’t just caught—it was twisted, doubled over, and firmly lodged in place. Seatech, with over 25 years of experience in removing such debris, was prepared for a difficult task. But this was no ordinary recovery.

As the operation progressed and residual material was cleared, the team uncovered an additional layer of obstacles: not only was more of the tyre revealed, but also scaffold tubing and wooden dunnage that had somehow become trapped in the mechanism. The complexity of the situation grew, but the team never faltered.

Employing a variety of underwater tools, including hydraulic saws, grinders, and even the infamous “jaws of life,” the Seatech crew meticulously worked to clear the debris. Despite the severe entanglement and the delicate nature of the equipment, the team successfully removed all the obstructions without causing any damage to the blade or surrounding shroud.

This operation stands as a true testament to the resilience, grit, and expertise of the Seatech team. Their dedication and ability to handle even the most complicated underwater challenges were on full display, ensuring the vessel’s drive system was restored to full functionality without any lasting issues.

A massive congratulations goes to all those involved for their outstanding teamwork and perseverance under pressure. Well done, team.