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Quality Policy

Seatech's ISO Accreditation Drives Service Excellence Through Continuous Improvement

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd is proud to be an ISO 9001 certified company. This accreditation confirms our commitment to regular audits of our Quality Management Systems, ensuring our long-term profitability and the high standards of our commercial diving services.

Our comprehensive quality manual outlines our systems, procedures, and the responsibilities of our team members, all designed to meet the exacting requirements of ISO 9001. At Seatech, we are dedicated to continuous review and enhancement of our operations to not only meet but exceed customer expectations, fostering continual improvement

Glenn Skelton
Managing Director

Health and Safety Policy

A Safety-First & Continuous Improvement Culture Minimises Workplace incidents; Backed by Supervision, Training, and Risk Control Measures

Seatech Commercial Diving is fully committed to the prevention of injuries and ill health and maintaining, promoting and improving health and safety management within the company. Seatech Commercial Diving accepts its responsibilities to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practical, the health and safety of all its employees whilst at work. To meet this commitment Seatech have developed a detailed Health and Safety Management system in compliance with BS OHSAS 18001.

These are our Policy objectives:

  1. To provide the framework for developing a ‘safety first’ culture throughout the company. This includes information, instruction, training, relevant and adequate supervision, safe working environment, safe systems of work, inspections, risk assessments and method statements.
  2. To ensure and specify management/supervisors and employees responsibilities. This includes safety responsibilities to themselves and to others in the workplace who may be affected by their actions. To communicate and co-operate with management in complying with their statutory duties relating to 1974 Health & Safety at Work Act. Also, to take the necessary action to ensure that all risks are adequately controlled as far as it is reasonably practicable.
  3. To work with our clients, suppliers, contractors and employees in achieving a zero target within the workplace. To work in a safe environment with safe working systems and the management /control of potential accidents and the protection of the environment we work in.

The needs and the expectations of our clients are paramount within all aspects of our business and it is our full intention not only to meet and satisfy those expectations and requirements, but also to exceed them in every way.

Special Risks
Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd is exposed to special risks associated with its diving and to a lesser extent, to other marine related activities. Both general and specific health and safety issues are covered within the Diving Project Report.

Implementation & Control
Ultimate responsibility for implementation and control of Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd’s Health and Safety Policy rests with the Operations Manager and the Director; however it is the duty of all personnel in the employ of Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd to observe the company’s safety procedures. Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd’s Operations Manual is the principal means whereby the company’s Health and Safety Policy is implemented. All employees of Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd shall have access to the Operations Manual.

Verification of training appropriate to employee’s responsibilities by an outside agency shall be carried out before employment by Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd commences.

Environmental Policy

Seatech's Eco-Commitment: ISO 14001 Compliance for Sustainable Practices and Environmental Responsibility

Seatech Commercial Diving Services has a strong awareness for the need to minimise adverse impacts of our activities on the environment. The minimisation of such impacts has high priority within the work practices instituted within the company and we encourage and enforce this attitude amongst our staff, suppliers and clients.

Legislative and Statutory Compliance.
The company is committed to discharging the requirements of relevant legislation and statutory obligations including the fulfilment of its Duty of Care obligations. We actively seek to eliminate any adverse environment impact of our operations both on site and at head office. To ensure our ongoing and focused efforts towards care for the environment we have developed our environmental system in compliance with ISO 14001

Effective Management
The integration of environmental considerations into the planning of the construction phase of a project and development of management systems to ensure effective control will ensure that potential delays or interruptions resulting from the need to rectify effects are minimised.

Control Measures
At both tender and pre-contract stage of each project we consider the potential effects the work might have on the environment and we develop suitable methodology and control measures to eliminate those risks. Control measures will be considered for noise, vibration, dust, hazardous materials (storage, use and disposal), water pollution, litter, traffic and adequacy of welfare facilities with regard to personnel safety and the environment. All administrative activities on site and at the head office minimise the waste produced by recycling all possible materials, reducing resource consumption and sourcing resources from sustainable suppliers.

We actively seek to maintain low carbon emissions by using modern low emission vehicles and vessels and by reducing company mileage by vehicle sharing, continuous working, and sustainable shift patterns.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Ethical Practices for Competitiveness, Profitability, and Community Commitment

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd believes in conducting business in a manner which achieves sustainable growth whilst demonstrating a high degree of social responsibility. We believe that this approach creates a source of competitive advantage for our business.

Our responsibility encompasses interaction with:

  1. Our personnel.
  2. Our environment.
  3. Our suppliers.
  4. Our community.


Demonstrating our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility is a journey, in the course of which we aim to align our core business values, purpose and strategy with the social and economic needs of our company, whilst embedding responsible and ethical business policies and practices into everything we do. By working closely together with all of our personnel and suppliers, Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd opens doors to new markets, opportunities and relationships, increasing competitiveness and profitability and demonstrating our continued commitment to sustainable development.

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd is committed to the following CSR principles:

  1. We manage our business with pride and integrity.
  2. We are committed to full legal compliance and strive to exceed industry specific best practise guidelines in all that we do.
  3. We aim to provide a safe and incident free working environment for all of our personnel.
  4. We consider environmental effects of each project at tender stage and develop our methodology accordingly.
  5. We actively assess and manage the environmental impacts of all our operations.
  6. We are committed to further develop our standing as a responsible and ethical business in the industry.
  7. We benchmark and evaluate what we do in order to constantly improve our competitive edge in the marketplace.
  8. We will continually benchmark and evaluate what we do in order to improve our CSR performance
Bribery Policy

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy: Upholding Ethical Standards and Compliance

The Managing Director of Seatech Commercial Diving services is responsible for establishing a culture within the company in which bribery is never acceptable, and for ensuring that there is effective design and implementation of a Programme to counter bribery in accordance with the UK Bribery Act. It is the Managing Directors responsibility to ensure that management, employee’s and any relevant external personnel are aware of the company’s policy and commitment in respect of the policy of zero tolerance of bribery.

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd prohibits facilitation payments as these are bribes and are illegal. Any gifts of money offered to personnel under any circumstances should be reported to senior management immediately.

All other gifts / presents should be reported to senior management immediately.

Equal Opportunities Statement Policy

Zero Discrimination, Equal Opportunities, and Safe Workplace Commitment

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd. integrates equality of opportunity into every aspect of the company’s business by treating all employees and job applicants equally and equitably regardless of sex, marital status, religion, ethnic origin or disability.

The legal framework within which the company operates is provided by Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986, the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disabled Persons (Employment) Acts 1944 and 1958, and their associated Codes of Practice.

The company recognises that unfair discrimination will not be eradicated by expressions of good intention but requires the practical and resolute application of the above policy in the work place by all employees, supervisors and managers and especially those involved in recruitment, selection, promotion and training.

Every employee has the right to work without fear of harassment or abuse, it should therefore be noted that any act of unlawful discrimination, racist or sexist abuse will be treated as disciplinary offences.



Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd. will ensure all employees and job applicants are aware of the policy.

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd. will take action against employees who infringe the policy.

Seatech Commercial Diving Services Ltd. will provide help and support for the implementation of the policy.

All employees will co-operate with all measures designed to promote equality of opportunity.

All employees will draw attention to any discriminatory acts.

All employees will not harass or intimidate other employees on any grounds.

Overall responsibility for ensuring that the practices and procedures are consistent with the aims of the policy rests with the Operations Manager and the Director. The Diving Supervisor is responsible for implementing the policy ‘on site’.